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Insomnia Help Is Here, Get The Rest You Need With These Top Tips

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Posted on: 07/26/22

When you cant sleep, you might seem like a bear to other people. Sleep is one thing that all humans must do, and when you cannot, you dont feel quite human. Fortunately, there are steps you can take in order to sleep again. Use the following tips to put you to sleep.

Aligning your body north to south when sleeping may prove helpful. The head needs to be at the north, feet at the south. This puts you in line with the magnetic field of the earth. You may be skeptical, but many swear that it works.

Your body needs to wake at a consistent time each day. Most people sleep in whenever they can to catch up on the missed sleep during the week. If you constantly suffer from insomnia, train your body to wake up at a certain time each day and stick to it!

Dont drink alcohol to help you sleep. While alcohol is a depressant, and can make you sleepy, after the alcohol has metabolized your body feels awake again. If you drink moderately in the evenings, make sure you leave about two hours for the alcohol to metabolize fully. Then try warm milk.

Therapists are known to use imagery to help insomnia sufferers relax at night. Try lying in bed, lights off and no noise. Imagine yourself in the most peaceful place you can imagine, such as a beach with lapping waves, a rainforest with trickling rain or in a boat on a sunny lake. Imagery can help you fall asleep.

Prepare for the next day ahead by getting your clothes ready for work, packing your purse or briefcase, and charging your smartphones battery. Thinking about whether or not you are prepared for the following day can force you to stay awake at night. This is especially true when you are getting ready to leave on vacation.

Wear earplugs or purchase a white noise machine to block out all sounds while you are trying to get to sleep. Even if you dont think that small noises have a profound effect on your sleep patterns, there is a chance that this is what has been keeping you from getting your rest.


Be more proactive about the stress in your life, if you suffer with chronic insomnia. Stress is a leading cause of insomnia, so start eliminating the sources whenever possible, and do things for yourself that alleviate stress. Meditation or yoga can help, as can other forms of regular exercise. The less you stress, the more you sleep.

Keep a sleep diary, if insomnia has become a major problem in your life. Record what time you go to bed and get up, as well as how long (approximately) it took you to fall asleep. Log meals, beverages, exercise and any major events that may impede sleep. Use the information to narrow down causes for insomnia and to find a workaround.

Take a short walk right before your bed time. Physical exercise can help tire a body out. Plus walking is often a great way to de-stress. It helps clear your mind of all the things that may be bothering you. In both cases, its the perfect activity to help you battle insomnia.


Drink copious amounts of vitamin D during the day to help with your sleep. This vitamin will help your muscles relax and strengthen your bones during the night. This will also reduce the tension that is caused by lack of nutrition, which will make you feel more comfortable as the night wears on.

Sleeping is something that you need to do in order to live life fully. You have to be able to find a way to sleep when you cannot, and the tips in this article are just some of the ways you can do that. See what works for you, so that you can get rid of insomnia forever.

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