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Sleep Apnea Tips That Can Work For Anyone

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Posted on: 07/15/22

Sleep deprivation causes many complications in life, and sleep apnea is a leading cause of sleep loss. If you suffer from this intrusive and frustrating condition, the following article may be of help. Read on for some great tips on alleviating symptoms and finally getting control of your sleep apnea.

When using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine, you should learn as much as you can about it. How to use the machine and when to use it should be your top priority. There are 800 numbers from the manufacturers that you can call if you have any questions about its use.

Get a checkup regularly and act upon your doctors suggestions. Besides excess weight, you could be suffering from health issues such as heart disease and hypertension, which can greatly increase your chance of suffering from sleep apnea. Even problems with blood sugar can make sleeping a miserable experience for apnea sufferers.

Consider using a mouth guard when you sleep. If your jaw is improperly aligned, this could lead to issues with sleep apnea. The alignment of your jaw has a lot to do with whether or not you are getting sufficient airflow. Being fitted for a mouth guard can help your breathe while its correcting the problem.

If your doctor prescribes a mouth guard, make sure it is properly fitted. Guards such as these were designed for someone who suffers with sleep apnea. Many people find they can adjust to wearing a mouth guard every night while they sleep much more easily than they can get used to wearing a CPAP mask. The device assists you by keeping your airways open while offering stability for soft tissue.

You must be careful not to use sedating medications if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Anything that sedates you will slow down your breathing, especially when you go to sleep. When you are sedated by medication, your throat muscles will relax and collapse more quickly as you sleep.

If you have just been diagnosed with sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP, join a CPAP support group. It can be quite difficult to get used to sleeping with a mask on your face every night. Sitting in a room full of other people going through the same thing can be very empowering. You can learn from others who have had the same issues you are having and made adjustments to make it work.


Strengthen your throat and jaw with some basic exercises. Developing these muscles should reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. You can exercise your throat and jaw by simply pulling your tongue or practicing some very simple breathing exercises. The goal is to train you to breathe differently and hopefully make your sleep apnea disappear.

Learn how to play a wind instrument. Studies have found that playing a wind instrument like the flute or the didgeridoo can help with sleep apnea. Wind instruments exercise your breathing and help your body get accustomed to taking in sufficient amounts of air. Your throat will be able to better control airway dilation.

Do throat and tongue exercises daily to reduce your apnea symptoms. The results of recent research suggest that jaw exercise, and tongue exercises can greatly reduce the presence of sleep apnea symptoms. Doing just a few of these exercises every day can help you get a good night of rest.

Pick up a wind instrument to play. You can pick up a new skill, but more than that you are able to exercise and learn to control the very muscles that have to do with breathing. Making these muscles stronger reduces sleep apnea symptoms.

Sleep apnea is a dangerous beast. Nobody needs to be going through life on little to no sleep, but the obstacles posed by sleep apnea can be really hard to overcome. Hopefully, you have found a few solutions to your sleep problems in this article and will finally be able to get the quality rest you are in need of.

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